Sunday, January 24, 2016

5 Steps to Lower Back Pain Relief

Lower back pain

Lower back pain (a.o. sciatica, herniated disk) - It's causes, symptoms and treatment

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic Pain

Intramuscular And Subcutaneous Injections

Intramuscular And Subcutaneous Injections

This video - produced by students at Oxford University Medical School in conjunction with the faculty - demonstrates the principles and techniques underlying intramuscular and subcutaneous injections.It is part of a series of videos covering clinical skills and is linked to Oxford Medical Education 

IV Cannulation Technique

IV Cannulation Technique

A vieo showing how to insert a canula in a limb specific to the age, indications & contraindications.
A must watch by a doctor & a nurse
This video is purely for the purpose of medical treatment and not for illegal purposes

Injection Techniques

Injection Techniques

An animation about the different injection techniques and how they are used. Created for Salford University Clinical skills.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Is Your Sciatic Pain From Your Piriformis? 3 Quick Tests To Do

Piriformis syndrome: sciatic pain relief stretches and exercises

Piriformis syndrome: Sciatic pain relief stretches and exercises:

This tutorial includes following sciatic pain relief stretches and exercises: 
- buttocks stretch 
- supine piriformis stretch - hip and knee stretching
- piriformis muscle stretch - supine
- hamstring stretches with both legs 
- hamstring stretches with one leg stretched out 
- hamstrings stretching with leg raised 

Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed or otherwise irritated by the piriformis muscle causing pain, tingling and numbness in the buttocks and along the path of the sciatic nerve descending down the lower thigh and into the leg. (Wikipedia, Piriformis syndrome)

Hamstring Exercises for Low Back Pain

Hamstring Exercises for Low Back Pain 

One of the most important stretches someone with low back pain should be performing is a hamstring stretch. When your hamstrings are tight, it places a lot of stress on your low back, leading to more pain and can actually cause more difficulty for you. One of the easiest ways to stretch this is lying on your back. Again, the opposite leg should be flat. Bring your knee toward your chest and straighten out your knee and try to push the bottom of your foot up towards the ceiling. Then rest and repeat. This should be performed on each side.
Since hamstring stretching should be done at least twice a day, finding other positions is a good idea, so you can incorporate this into your daily routine and you don’t have to take specific time out to lie on the floor and do your exercises. The easiest way to do that is sitting on the edge of a chair. The seated hamstring stretch is very nice because it can be done almost anywhere. Sitting in the chair, scoot to the edge of the chair, straighten out one leg, and point your toes toward the ceiling. Simply sit up straight and roll your pelvis forward and feel a light stretch up the back of your leg. This can be held for approximately thirty seconds, again, and repeated on each side. This is a great stretch that puts you into a proper posture while you’re stretching.
An important aspect to stretching is being able to relax while you are doing the stretch. A real easy way to do that for the hamstring is lying near a door jamb or a corner of a wall and place one leg up on the wall. Now drop the opposite leg and you’ll begin feeling the stretch in the back of the hamstring. This is a nice stretch because you can just relax and it doesn’t place as much stress on your low back. The object here is to work your leg up the wall to try to get a ninety degree angle. Now once your leg is straight, simply return to the starting position, slide your hips closer to the wall, and repeat.
More details

Hamstring Exercises for Low Back Pain Relief Video

Hamstring Exercises for Low Back Pain Relief Video: A visual demonstration of the correct exercises and stretches for the hamstring muscles that are designed to bring relief for lower back pain.